
How’s it Working for You?

How’s It Working for You? 🤷‍♂️
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September 6, 2021

Are you meeting a rise in consciousness to make it a better World. Are you at least half way there, or living on an invisible or empty prayer … or maybe just taking it day by day like all the animals of the world? What’s your purpose? Are you cheating a God that you believe in, or if there was really one? Are you still stuck in the mud of blaming what’s happened to you since you can remember?

Get over the bumps and smooth out the road ahead! Do you listen to your heart, or is it just something you’re counting on being there? Maybe it’s multifunctional, and also operates as a guide for higher consciousness that the mind can only fein but never reach. The other side is coming for you sooner than you think. Best time in millions of years is now. Hard to believe with all the shams going on, and then there is Artificial Intelligence (Ai) in Silicon Valley, China, and wherever minds can be found to support their ‘mind games’ and robotizing people into sheeple. No… it is the best time! How’s it working for you?

Time to ratchet down those dreams of mounds of money, and what it will buy. All the time being educated in our primary and higher learning schools were really inoculating, intoxicating, ‘indoctrinating’ so so miseducations. Some people really think they’re smart, maybe successful. All illusion mostly. No one has a mentality that encompasses even 1% of the knowledge available. Can you wrap your head around that? It’s true, and even the fraction that anyone has knowledge of, is not knowing. Knowing is like knowing the Sun is the key to life! Call it ‘god’s heater’, or maybe if you drop programmed indoctrination beliefs for a moment, it just might be the ‘Sun of God’? Maybe even more than that?

How is your belief system working for you? All beliefs have doubts along with them, if you didn’t know that. Don’t want to give you a mental breakdown over that reality. That’s why you need ‘faith’ in religions. Faith in your beliefs that they may be true. It’s all about the voices in your head. Ever wonder what the heart feels? It is much more valuable than the mind which hasn’t been cleaned of the many voices in a long time. Actually, ever! Wars are fought in fear and the mind. The heart doesn’t like the adversaries of the negative. It’s a male energy thing of walking into fire for love’s belief. Love isn’t a belief. It’s a knowing that is the light of life. Seems that might just be what’s going to make life working better for everyone, and individually too. The ‘best life’ is to always look to inner evolve, and find it’s really working better for you!
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Jealousy in Mind & Heart🚨

August 28, 2021

Jealousy can be a teacher … IF you listen to the teacher! Jealousy is a hidden reaction habit that may stay dormant in anyone for an unknown time, until there is something wanted and you are unable to see that it’s not yours, but someone else’s. Getting lost inside your head and heart, and setting fire to the uncontrolled emotions is a red light that arises as a warning that you need to school yourself on letting go of the negative memories embedded within your mind and that has metastasized throughout the false you keeping you from seeing the beauty within.

Newton’s third law of motion states; “what goes up must come down.” Toilet seats are not exempt from the laws of physics.There is a very common riddle on Rain that it comes down but never goes up. But the one that goes up and never comes down can be a person’s age.

Anger, rage, jealousy may come up, and then down but hidden for the next trigger situation, unless one finds ways to bring up the love and consciousness within.

Getting lost inside your head and heart, and setting fire to the uncontrolled emotions is a red light that you need to school yourself on letting go of the negative memories embedded within your mind. Let the heart, mind, and lips be free, but with consciousness. Why be a ‘broken wing’ person who can heal, but decides to hobble between fires of jealousy, angers, rage, and infinite negatives as well as wanting to possess what you cannot. There are many breathing techniques to help letting go and deprogram to a more positive frame of mind and heart.

A quick one is a 6-7 minute reprogrammer. Call it ‘Positive Enhancer’. Standing relaxed with eyes closed, inhale slowly as deep as you can from the bottom of the belly, then slowly let it go all the way down. Reverse the process. Now, while doing it, continue silently saying – ‘I’m moving into positivity, deeper and deeper into positivity, I’m moving into positivity, deeper and deeper into positivity. When finished, stand, sit, or lie down for a few minutes and just be the watcher of whatever comes up. Do this for a month once or twice a day and my experience is that you will be more in love with your thoughts of positivity in your mind, heart, and actions.

As a supplement, do a 1/2 hour to an hour breathing meditation, while always being the watcher of whatever comes up. For great instructions, get one of the Osho books on meditation. Move on, but first ‘move in’ and find out why moving on isn’t enough without ‘cleaning the inner house’ into a ‘home’!


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August 25, 2021
Beyond the sexual experience is the ancient energy merging between two people beyond what is thought of as love. It is a rare happening when two souls meet and release all negative thoughts, and experience in who they really are, and in pure consciousness continually. In a sense it’s a completion of two souls into one. It’s been said, that they become ‘soulmates’. In fact, it’s beyond a soulmate which is often two souls doing their best or soul mating with unresolved issues, but coupled with a mutual effort to make it together inspire of their differences.

Two are merged in mind, heart and soul in an alchemy with no gap or unresolved issues between them. Life presents enough issues, and no one is immune from whatever arises. The best life is alone in a sense of enlightenment, however as rare as it is in this world, the couple in a tantric intimacy where two heads, two hearts, and two souls merge into an alchemy of being a mirror of wonderment when seeing each other. No mind is the door.

In this most ‘advanced’ moment if life, the freedoms to unlock the ‘box of choices’, and to see that we are free to see deeper and deeper love as steps to evolve within. All of life, since the beginning, has been but rarely predetermined for our spiritual growth with few if any choices for inner growth. Insufficient love between people was met with usually one choice in a darker world. The lights of love have been turned on for those willing to take the blinders of the past off to see that by letting go you will raise the vibration to attract the hand of one to fly to greater heights of consciousness.

The quest to find deeper love and finding it is met with an enduring bliss that you have reached to the deepest and highest imaginable. The depth and height you reached will always follow and enrich your life. You have met the illimitable essence of life. The fire in one’s heart will be that light of opportunity to reach the inner stars that seemed unreachable for time immemorial. There are no barriers, but the barrier of the mind’s imprisonment of past luggage. Each can now have and forever experience the love and consciousness within. Using meditations as a helper, is to find life’s blessings to clear the negatives of the past and open a whole new world of a heart with no limits.

Think and BE positive to achieve what you desire! If you create positive thoughts about yourself, you will feel good, and your self-esteem will be strengthened, and if you create negative thoughts, you will feel depressed, with low self-esteem. The mind opens up the way to the self. By creating the right type of thoughts you can open up your inner potential again, and rediscover that as people we are full of positive qualities. May a tsunami of love fill your life!

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Dick, John, Peter & Sue

✅ Dick, John, Peter, & Sue ✅
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August 22, 2021
Can you imagine why anyone would want to name their boy Sue? Of course, each is more than their name, and it was likely given from the heart by the mother and perhaps father. So in a way, it’s a ‘memory’ to carry beyond time on earth. One ‘David or one Jane’ is very unique from someone else bearing that same name. Our name was given with the intent of meaning, however that doesn’t mean one can’t choose an additional one that may more fit who you see yourself as.

Names can become ‘sacred’ regardless of many others, even in your circle, who have the same name. Names are transferable to pets. I had a golden poodle when I lived with my partner years ago in NYC, that we named Barron. Years later, how were we to know that our President and his wife would have a child and name him after our dog’s name? One has to have a sense of humor to go through the journey of life.

Back a few years ago when I was doing my free speech display on the Venice Boardwalk (in LA), as well as my meditation groups called the LA LetGo, I decided to meet more people by offering them a new name from the Sanskrit (India), and an explanation of its meaning on paper. A few example; 1-Darshan/or Darshana (f) is the name of a God/Goddess in Hindu mythology meaning ‘vision’; 2-Deepak means a lamp shining brightly; 3-Indira means beauty or splendid; 4-Jaya means victory & victorious. I still hear occasionally from ones who still uses use the name. Using a new name, especially with a spiritual meaning, slowly merges one into a new sense of being and identification. We are not who we think we are anyway, and a new name can be a stepping stone to letting go of the attachments to the unwanted past.

We have been taught to hide, not to trust or to be unnecessarily paranoid, that life is naturally negative, etc. These things have been put into the unconscious from childhood. They have become part of our mental DNA, and because of them we go on hiding who we really are. Reality is just the opposite: you are not naturally bad, but naturally good. Nobody really wants to do bad, and if somebody is doing bad it simply means that he has been a victim of circumstances and situations, likely from childhood, so you have been forced to do that. No thief is happy to be a thief and no murderer is happy to be a murderer. They have been forced. In fact they are Victims; they have been compelled by the logic of situations. They have been brought up in such a way that their whole being has been poisoned.

Time to ‘let go’ of past demons and traumas, and move into a new and real you!Make it a point: stop affirming negativities and start affirming positivities. Life will blossom within a week and give you a new, fresh perspective.
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Be a Living Lighthouse

Be a Living Lighthouse – 🌏
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August 19, 2021

Be a living lighthouse sending peaceful and powerful vibrations to each soul and all forms of nature, so they feel the harmony of mutual belonging on this planet. A 25 Watt light bulb may not be the best reading light, but the 100 watt mind sees things better. We need a world of ‘lights’ to drown out the darkness that pervades individuals and the collective that is being dimmed by lies and technology out of control. There has been no more serious time than now to ‘reboot’ all the positives we have from faith, to self awareness, and action to make it a better world for you and all.

It’s time to listen to the heart as well as the mind of reason and common sense. Wherever we focus our attention is where our thoughts are directed with most frequency and interest. Thus energy is produced in this direction, whether positive and beneficial energy or negative and harmful energy. Too many complicated minds that think too much about the obstacles and negative. Digging for the real truths below the placating, misinformation that is being fed for those too lazy to do ‘due diligence’ is vital.

We need to ask ourselves in every situation, am I using the most ‘skillful means’ and from heart energy to deal with all that comes before us. Torpedo the heartless mind. People today are extremely divided in thinking and behaviors. Those who feel more aware need to ‘turn the lights on’ gently in the interaction with all. Find ways to agree with what you disagree with. Stop going further into the negative. Many are not ready for your view. Be like a salesman and agree and find acceptable ways of questioning another. Know when you can’t or shouldn’t further a conversation.

Become the one who flies forward with blessings for everyone. Always move forward, upward, and onward like a bird or plane, and with blessing for yourself and everyone. When we focus on seeking solutions to problems and difficulties with a positive and enthusiastic attitude, we attract positive energy towards us, and this helps us transform mountains into molehills. Throughout the day check if you are moving forward with ease in whatever you do. Also check if you are performing any activity that enables you to get blessings from others. Remember, the greatest enemy you will ever have is you! Whatever you do, do with kindness. Whatever you say, say with kindness. Wherever you go, radiate kindness. One light in the darkness, removes the darkness.

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It’s the Vibe!

It’s the VIBE! 🌹

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August, 13-2021

From a baby through whatever age there is a ‘vibe’ with others that we connect with. It manifest itself sensitively in you perhaps mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually or whatever. Hopefully that vibe is one of lovingness and not the negatives that so many carry by not resolving and converting them to a more positive vibe. Coming into this world from pre birth, it’s the mother’s vibe and experiences that set the journey to the train of life. One great thing about being a human being vs an animal is that we all have the wherewithal, especially in this technologically and informationally advanced world, to reinvent ourselves to a higher consciousness, and apart from liabilities.

Having not settled down into a family life, as my 5 siblings have, I chose and continue to, choose the life of a ‘free spirit’ while valuing heart felt love as the light on that path. Life lived with the ‘under-tow’s of the heavy current of the changing directions, is akin to hidden unresolved issues sweeping one into the endless struggle of the changing weathers from calm to stormy of the ocean of happiness and despair. It likely will consume most hope of reaching a state of joy and blissfulness.

The vibe is sacred! Even food gives off a ‘vibe’, especially when ‘going out’ to eat. To digress a bit on the vibe here, I like Mexican food, and at one time I considered opening one with a couple of successful partners in a NY Mexican restaurant. I got so good at sampling many Mexican restaurant’s food that I could even look in a Mexican restaurant window and ‘vibe’ how good the food would be! Another example are dogs, being popular, give out a ‘vibe’ as to their friendliness. Everywhere in everything, there is a ‘vibe’ of intuition likely from experience that dictates our response or reaction.

Finding a ‘vibe’ of someone can be a knack. Cultivate that knack if you’re not pleased with the vibes you spend too much time with. Try looking all around, trying to find the blissful, and the positive. Be filled with it, and in that moment forget everything. Open your heart and be filled with it. Be one with it. You will become fragrant with it as well as becoming more aware and discerning to a vibe that you want to be with.

Become friends with any negative thoughts and receive them as a thought to be accepted and analyzed for the virtues of that unrecognized hidden within. They are vibes for a reason. Avoiding all negative is not a positive approach. Being with an open heart and having a blissful vibe within you will guide your journey through all situations. Make life a great vibe!


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